Rapid php bookmark
Rapid php bookmark

rapid php bookmark

This creates a chart embedded in the current sheet using the Excel default format Worksheet excel.getobject(property="ActiveSheet", error=e) Workbook excel.getobject(property="ActiveWorkBook", error=e) Workbooks.callmethod(method="Add", error=e) // Open a new workbook Workbooks excel.getobject(property="Workbooks", error=e)

rapid php bookmark

I realise that it is slightly different but anybody with wxwidget capability should understand real quick.Įxcel"excel.application", error=e)Įxcel.putproperty(property="Visible", error=e, - 1) // Make Excel Visible Here are some examples of how the code is written (error handling and variable definition removed) I use a customized version of wxwidgets ( 2.8.12) in a package for creating applications that is compatible with a package I have used for the last 15 years called Superbase that you may have heard of

Rapid php bookmark